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Survivalist Camp is Preparing for Post-Election Turmoil

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Survivalist Camp is Gearing Up for the Worst Come Election Day

A survivalist community in southern Colorado is gearing up for the worst come Election Day. They are predicting bigger things than COVID-19 and other scenarios that will destroy the economy and make people desperate.

Fortitude Ranch is Ready to Meet the Looming Challenge of a Potential Civil War

Fortitude Ranch is gearing up for something historic and catastrophic. It is activating in a “collapse” mode for the first time in its history. However, the camp in southern Colorado won’t divulge its exact location. Though it plans to embrace dozens of members. Moreover, those who are worried about rioting and looting in the streets of many communities and even with the scary possibility of civil war.

“Yes, civil war seems unlikely. You don’t estimate the probability of something like that, but is it inconceivable? Absolutely not. The election could be a real trigger,” said Drew Miller, the CEO of Fortitude Ranch.

The Doomsday Compound has it all for the Most Prepared Survivalist

His doomsday compound is completely self-reliant and off the grid. Miller has spent years constructing it.

There are many intricate hallways. In the rooms, you will find that at first glance look like anything unusual. However, you will then notice the guns on the nightstand. Also, the beds that fall from walls. Even the storage room isn’t what it seems.

It even has a secret underground bunker full of supplies and plywood cots.

“It’s a good 9 feet tall, 6 feet wide, 30-some feet long, and 3 feet of earth covering it,” Miller said.

Well over 100 people are at each location of the Fortitude Ranch, though Miller won’t divulge exactly how many members belong to its two properties in Colorado and West Virginia.

It costs members a minimum of $1,000 a year to utilize the ranch for up to 10 days a year.

In good times, it’s a destination vacation. Then, it’s a life-saving fortress for darker days.

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