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Should School Board Members be Paid? Ask the General Assembly.

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School board members to be compensated for their service for the first time is up for serious consideration. There is a proposal that is working its way through the General Assembly. It that would allow school board members to be compensated for their service for the first time.

School Board Members and Rate of Compensation

Sponsored by state representative Steven Woodrow of Denver and state senator Brittany Pettersen of Lakewood, the bill, both Democrats, doesn’t set the rate of compensation. Moreover, school boards could in fact vote on a compensation rate that would go into play after the next school board election.

Proposal has Great Benefits including Making Service More Accessible to the Population

The station teachers union and supporters of the proposal including the Colorado Education Association said it will make school board service more accessible. That is to people of many backgrounds. It would include working-class people of color who make up more of the Colorado students.

School Board: Demands of Potential Job Would Take Away Time from Paying Job

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Many hours of work outside of meetings and can force members to scale back their paying jobs. This is in reference to serving on a school board. District employees would have to quit their jobs who run for and win -board sets.

Addressing the Problem of Pay

“Engaged in the community when we talk to people are they. Those who interact with the community and have relationships with them. They could do a great job. In fact, they get asked “why don’t you run? and the answer is, simply, “I can’t afford it. Then, say, I can’t afford to work for free. We are trying to address that problem,” Woodrow told fellow lawmakers.

Naysayers are Even Against Small Amounts of Money to Pay to the School Board Members

Spending even modest amounts to pay school board members is a no-no. Opponents said Colorado’s unfunded schools should not do that. There is not enough public scrutiny toward most school board members. Would voters want them accountable for pay decisions? Supposedly not.

Anticipating Potential Voter Reaction

“Is there self-interest or self-dealing going on for a pay raise. Are there clear instances of people assume they will be reelected,” said state Representative Colin Larson, a Littleton Republican. “Instead, would it be a better idea to forward that decision onto the voters?”

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