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Holiday Trucking: How To Survive

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Trucking during the holiday season is an added challenge to your normal routine. Nobody wants to be on the road during this time. Unfortunately, truck drivers do not get as much respect as they once had. Many people see them as “in the way” while trying to get to their holiday family dinner. They create a larger obstacle than normal. We have provided the best tips for your driving during the holidays.

Be Flexible

The most optimum way to ship during the holiday is to not overbook yourself. There is a balance to work/life. Sometimes you must no overbook yourself for both your family life and your work. Everyone understands that family is major importance and on the holiday, this is even more so. Balance out your work schedule so you can see the important people in your life. It is always encouraged to spend time with your family.

Reschedule the Holiday

If you will be on the road this holiday, try and work things around with your family. Not everyone will be able to celebrate on the “scheduled” day, but every day can be a great day for family togetherness. Try and do the holiday before or after your trip. Nail down a day that you will be able to give your family the focus they deserve. This way it won’t feel like you’re just trying to “get it over with”.

Maintain Communication with Your Family

Keeping a solid communication with loved ones while driving is important for the season. Putting them off to simply get the job done and back is a relatively unhealthy way to spend your time. Understand and lock down a time to Facetime with your family. This way, the stress of being on the road will be lifted and you will feel happier knowing that everyone is safe and happy.

The Holiday is time to Make Others Happy

Trucking during this time of year can be lonely, and many other drivers feel the same way. There are plenty of ways that you can get together with someone else on the road. There is no need to be alone. Spending your time with people in similar circumstances is a great way to not feel alone while moving from point A to point B. If you go out of your way for someone on the holiday, then chances are, the feeling will be reciprocated.

Decorate the Heck out of Your Truck

If you’re not going to be able to see your family for the holiday, then celebrate it with everyone else on the road. Deck your truck out in the most festive and crazy light show. Don’t just throw some dinky antlers on the door, make a light show so gnarly that Trans Siberian Orchestra would be jealous. Heck, make a light show so impressive that it could flag Santa himself down to you. The more festive, the less likely you will be hassled by smaller cars on the road.

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