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Crisis Standards are Reactivated for Care of Emergency Services

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Crisis standards of care for emergency medical services (EMS) in the Western Rocky Mountain Region of the U.S. has been reactivated.
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Crisis standards of care for emergency medical services (EMS) in the Western Rocky Mountain Region of the U.S. have been reactivated. This is in response to the explosion of cases of the Corona Virus across the state. In fact, which is now affecting EMS staff and their ability to respond to regular, everyday emergencies.

Crisis Standards – People Getting Sick with COVID-19

The chief medical officer of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) comes in response to many EMS staff falling ill with COVID-19. This move was made by Dr. Eric France. There is a big demand for service. This is according to a statement from the state health department.

Moreover, it was the first time in almost two years since the state has activated these standards of care.

Therefore, under the guideline, the EMS personnel can stop the life-saving measures in patients. It would be for those with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Then for most of the severe cases to be taken to the hospital. Thus, the guidance which is under crisis standards of care for EMS services that even does list criteria for people that are under the age of 60. It does have a script for the personnel which lets people who may need care know that “emergent transport by ambulance to the emergency department does outweigh the benefits.”

Guidance for Various Centers, Agencies and More

It does provide guidance for personnel at call centers, dispatch centers, and emergency medical service agencies. Thus how to interact with the potentially infectious patients. Plus to maximize care for many patients with limited staff and emergency vehicles. Thus it will determine what kind of treatment to provide. This includes whether and where a patient should be transported for further care. Also if then deemed necessary.

In fact, this is a specific “crisis standard of care” if it is not for the hospitals and the acute care facilities. Therefore, it would provide guidance to the state on rationing care. It would be across Colorado hospitals. Then ultimately they decide who gets to live or die. Whether, in fact, it is due to COVID-19 or for something else

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