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Pro Drivers = 5 DONT’S

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Pro Drivers still face problems. Through experience, they have handled some of the harshest conditions, have dealt with terrible traffic and drivers as well as breakdowns. The difference between seasoned pro drivers and new recruits is simply experience. This doesn’t mean the pros are prone to perfection, though. Many have developed bad tendencies over their careers.

Truck drivers are everywhere. From fresh out of CDL school to the seasoned professional, mistakes can happen. The following list will help you (and other drivers) safe while traveling the open road.

Don’t Speed Down Hill

One large factor that many pro truck drivers face is misjudging the terrain. Hills are a huge factor when driving. Many truckers will find alternate routes during poor conditions just to avoid a possible accident. When descending a hill, make sure you are in a lower gear. A lower gear will keep your truck from accelerating too quickly and will give you more traction on the road. This goes for every trucker but more importantly if you are handling a heavier load.

Pro Drivers Should Never Text and Drive

This is an easy one for everyone. With new technologies comes more distractions. Your smartphone is designed to put as many distractions in front of your eyes as possible. Smartphones have created one of the highest rates of traffic accidents since their inception. Statistically speaking, if you are using your smartphone while driving, you have the same hindrance as having a .08 blood alcohol content (BAC). This is bad news for everyone on the road.

There is no exception to the rule. While you’re behind the wheel of a large trailer, you are responsible for the safety of yourself and others. There is no reason why you should have the reaction time of a drunk driver while transporting goods.

Don’t Rush Simply Because Your ELD Tells You To.

Your ELD (Electronic Logging Device) is meant to track your progress. It is meant to give the folks back at HQ a full list of your operations. How many times you stop, how long you are stopped for, how many hours you have been on the road. It tracks everything you do, and this puts stress on even the most seasoned of trucking veterans.

With everything that you are doing on the road being monitored, if you fall behind slightly, you’ll have to make up that time. Many pro truckers will often speed things up in order to make it to their destination on time, this is cause for concern. Increased speed means increased risk. If you aren’t going to make it to your destination before your hours run out. It is better to stay safe on the road and get as close as you can without increasing the risk of dangers.

Don’t Speed Through Bad Weather

There are three types of drivers during the winter:

Type A: Drivers adhering to the current traffic patterns and safely getting from one place to another without hassle.

Type B: Drivers who are nervous to drive in the snow and are trying to get a grasp on it. Perhaps it is their first time in these conditions, or perhaps they’re new drivers. Either way, give them space.

Type C: Drivers who speed while in poor conditions. You can often hear them shout “ThEse PeOple oBviOusly DoN’t KnOw How tO DRiVe iN tHe SnOW” through both their closed window as well as yours.

Type B and C are the two major causes of accidents in the snow. Type B because they are probably too scared and don’t look properly, and type C because they know Type B sucks at driving and still tries to floor it around them. The best bet is to be neither of these people. They are bad drivers.

Pro Drivers Never Drive When Tired.

Another major cause of accidents is simply being over-tired. Long straight roads are boring. Nobody thinks they’re fun and if they tell you otherwise, they’re probably lying. Being tired during long car rides is a common issue with any driver, and while you are driving a truck, the concerns greatly increase. Many drivers will try and “push through” to their destination to make better time, but this increases the chance of errors. Errors can be anything from swerving into the next lane to falling asleep behind the wheel. When you are hauling a heavy load, the cost can be your life and others.

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